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Game Boy Interrupts

This guide assumes you have a short project to test code on. ISSOtm's "Hello World!" tutorial should work fine as a base.

Interrupts are used to call a given function when certain conditions are met. On the Game Boy, these conditions are:

For the purposes of this short guide we will focus on the most prevalent interrupt - VBlank


VBlank refers to the period of time that the screen spends returning to the upper-left hand corner, and during this time the PPU gives the CPU access to VRAM. Because of this, most VRAM access during normal gameplay must occur during VBlank.

But how do you know when VBlank has started? If you have read ISSOtm's gb-asm-tutorial you likely know how to use a loop for this, which checks the value of rLY to see if it is past the screen area. However, because this loop must continually run to check for VBlank, you may miss VBlank entirely or enter your VBlank code too late. Additionally, loops like that keep the CPU running, wasting power on real hardware. This isn't an issue for turning off the screen, but when you have time-sensitive code and a loop running game logic, it's important to make sure everything is run at predictable intervals.

This is where the VBlank interrupt comes in. When the VBlank period starts a flag will be set that tells the CPU to stop what it's doing, and call the address $0040.

Before we even enable interrupts, let's write some VBlank code...

; Define a new section and hard-code it to be at $0040.
SECTION "VBlank Interrupt", ROM0[$0040]
	; This instruction is equivalent to `ret` and `ei`

That handler doesn't do anything yet, but without it our VBlank interrupt would jump to $0040 and begin running random code, either the header or a portion of your ROM. Additionally, when an interrupt is fired it automatically runs di, which disables interrupts so that nothing else conflicts with the handler. reti is the same as an ei followed by a ret, so the interrupted code can continue executing and VBlank can be fired the next time it's needed.

Configuring an interrupt

Make sure you have a copy of 'hardware.inc', we're going to use it quite a bit here.

To enable the VBlank interrupt we need to write to the Interrupt Enable register, rIE. If you take a look at rIE on the Pandocs, you can see what interrupt each bit corresonds to, but we're going to focus on VBlank's bit, bit 0. To enable the VBlank interrupt, all we need to do is set bit 0 of rIE to 1, so let's do that!

	; Place the following somewhere in your initiallization code:
	; hardware.inc defines a handy flag that we can use.
	ldh [rIE], a
	; ...

Additionally, we should clear another register while we're at it, rIF. rIF is used by the CPU to begin an interrupt; basically, if any of the bits in rIF and rIE match, the corresponding inturrupt is called. However, rIF may have leftover values that would accidentally set off an interrupt at the wrong time, so we need to manually clear it.

	xor a, a ; This is equivalent to `ld a, 0`!
	ldh [rIF], a

Finally! Now the last step is running the instuction ei, which globally enables interrupts. This is not the same as rIE.


If you run your rom now... you'll notice no difference. That's because our VBlank code doesn't do anything yet. But we can make it do something with just one instruction: halt.

Your program likely has a loop somewhere which either does nothing, or continually runs some logic:

	jr .endlessLoop

But this keeps the CPU running forever! Instead, we should give it a rest using the halt instruction. Just place halt at the end of that loop...

	jr .endlessLoop

... and run your program! If you're using BGB or Emulicious, you can check the Game Boy's CPU usage in their debuggers. Open it up and compare the meter with and without halt. You should see nearly 0% usage when halt is being used, because only three instructions are run per frame now.

Taking advantage of VBlank

Okay, saving power is great, but how does this help you write a Game Boy game? Well since the interrupt occurs as soon as VBlank starts, it gives us the perfect opportunity to access VRAM and graphics-related registers. We can start by playing with palettes. First, define a variable in HRAM; we'll use this as a frame counter.

SECTION "Frame Counter", HRAM

Now, go back to that loop from earlier. Right before halt, add some code to increment hFrameCounter.

	; Make sure to use `ldh` for HRAM and registers, and not a regular `ld`
	ldh a, [hFrameCounter]
	inc a
	ldh [hFrameCounter], a
	jr .endlessLoop

Now, right before the loop halts, it'll increment a little timer which we can use for delays. We're going to use that timer to flicker the palettes back and forth in a short cycle during VBlank.

However, there is one issue to take care of: we only have 8 bytes of space in the VBlank interrupt handler! This is fine though, just jump outiside of the handler and continue execution. And while we're at it, we're going to push every register, including the flags, to the stack. This is because there's a good chance VBlank will occur before the loop gets back to halt in a real game, and we don't want to ruin any registers that the game was relying on.

SECTION "VBlank Interrupt", ROM0[$0040]
	push af
	push bc
	push de
	push hl
	jp VBlankHandler

SECTION "VBlank Handler", ROM0
	; Now we just have to `pop` those registers and return!
	pop hl
	pop de
	pop bc
	pop af

Perfect! Now let's write some code. I'll heavily comment this to help you follow:

SECTION "VBlank Handler", ROM0

	; Begin by loading the frame counter
	ldh a, [hFrameCounter]

	; Now check the 5th bit, causing it to set the zero flag for 32 frames,
	; every 32 frames. (about half a second on and off)
	bit 5, a

	; Now we're going to load a standard palette into `a`, but if the zero
	; flag is set we'll complement it, inverting every color.
	ld a, %11100100

	jr z, .skipCpl
	cpl ; ComPleMent `a`. Flips every bit in `a`

	; Finally, load `a` into `rBGP`, the Game Boy's Background Palette register.
	ldh [rBGP], a

	; Now we just have to `pop` those registers and return!
	pop hl
	pop de
	pop bc
	pop af

Now you should see the colors invert every 32 frames.

If you're looking for something else to try on your own, try writing to a different tile each VBlank to slowly fill up the screen with a custom tile. Or load different graphics during VBlank to animate an existing tile!